showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
Burglar author1990 68k claiming digging harmfultouch instantdeath ladders lives monkeybars naturalistic nofalldamage osclassic paniclike subterranean trapping walking labelimageminimize
Gold Digger T&T Software1995 68k claiming digging harmfultouch instantdeath ladders lives loderunner macos6 monkeybars nofalldamage osclassic score trapping walking labelminimizeminimize
Lode Runner (Championship Lode Runner;Revenge of Lode Runner) Brøderbund1984 3.5disk 68k bootloader claiming cpu-68000 digging keyboard ladders leveleditor lives loderunner macos1 macos7 mouse nofalldamage osclassic paniclike predictablenpcs score trapping labelimageminimize
Lode Runner: The Legend Returns Sierra On-Line (Presage)1994 claiming digging instantdeath ladders lives loderunner monkeybars nofalldamage osclassic trapping walking labelimageminimize